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Fish Food
Every year tens of millions of tons of plastic enter our Oceans. The equates to one ton per person living on earth today or a truckload entering the ocean every minute of every day. Most of this is carried by ocean currents to large systems of rotating ocean currents called gyres. The largest of these systems is the Great Pacific Gyre - more commonly and aptly referred to as The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This gyre carries a mammoth amount of human waste, with a total area of 1.6 million kilometers squared - three times the size of France.
This has an enormous impact on the health of Marine life, not just in this area but ocean wide. Plastic is a durable product, it takes thousands of years to decompose - until it does the ocean breaks it down into smaller and smaller pieces called microplastics. Plastic of all siz es in ingested by marine life. Ingestion may cause death due to the blocking of intestinal pathways, however the more frightening affect
is on the reduced consumption of prey, energy depletion, inhabited growth and fertility. Concentrated chemicals carried in these plastics are ingested by small fish and make their way up the food chain, bulldozing the current and future ecosystem of our oceans.
The great irony is that this food chain also leads back to humans, as we ingest fish poisened with microplastics. This project takes found plastic and transforms it into a fish feast. Each ‘food’ is equivalent to a form of plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and their amount on the plate correlates to their individual mass in the patch.

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